When my grandsons were visiting there was a day when we could not leave the house because the driveway was being resurfaced so we were cooped up inside. They entertained themselves by playing a video game, after spending time with I came downstairs to check on the progress of the driveway. I then started to look at my living room and thought it would be a good day to move stuff around. The furniture placement had been the same for quite a few years and I wanted something different. I move the tall cabinet to where the sofa was and the sofa to where the cabinet was. Of course, after that is done you have to move tables and table decor around too! For some reason it just did not look right, my daughter said she liked it better the other way, my grandsons said the room looked much bigger and my husband agreed. But, there was something not right. . .after looking at a picture I realized that the clock and wall shelf had to be moved! After patching holes and painting I hung my pictures moved the shelf to another wall and moved the clock into the hallway. Now I am liking it much better, it no longer looks off balance! It will remain this way for awhile. . .
My photos show the end results and the before pictures. In the after pictures you can see the little pillow I bought last week at the antique shop in Frenchtown, it is made from a piece of an old coverlet, the color is a gray/brown and white. I wish they had had more because I would have bought another one, the others did not have the right colors. I like how it blends with my Warren Kimble rabbit hooked wool pillow.
Well, off to do a bit more moving, I am organizing my laundry/sewing room so I can start working on dolls again. The space is very small and I need to find a long/tall wall cabinet to store my fabric and supplies, what I have now is not working out, until next time, hugs,
When my grandsons were visiting there was a day when we could not leave the house because the driveway was being resurfaced so we were cooped up inside. They entertained themselves by playing a video game, after spending time with I came downstairs to check on the progress of the driveway. I then started to look at my living room and thought it would be a good day to move stuff around. The furniture placement had been the same for quite a few years and I wanted something different. I move the tall cabinet to where the sofa was and the sofa to where the cabinet was. Of course, after that is done you have to move tables and table decor around too! For some reason it just did not look right, my daughter said she liked it better the other way, my grandsons said the room looked much bigger and my husband agreed. But, there was something not right. . .after looking at a picture I realized that the clock and wall shelf had to be moved! After patching holes and painting I hung my pictures moved the shelf to another wall and moved the clock into the hallway. Now I am liking it much better, it no longer looks off balance! It will remain this way for awhile. . .
My photos show the end results and the before pictures. In the after pictures you can see the little pillow I bought last week at the antique shop in Frenchtown, it is made from a piece of an old coverlet, the color is a gray/brown and white. I wish they had had more because I would have bought another one, the others did not have the right colors. I like how it blends with my Warren Kimble rabbit hooked wool pillow.
Well, off to do a bit more moving, I am organizing my laundry/sewing room so I can start working on dolls again. The space is very small and I need to find a long/tall wall cabinet to store my fabric and supplies, what I have now is not working out, until next time, hugs,
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