I know many long to rush through summer and move onto the crisp cool air of autumn, I love autumn and all it has to offer, but I also do not want to wish nor rush away what remains of summer. We all know what comes after autumn, winter and those days can seem endless with cold weather and grey skies.
Today as I walked out to get the mail I stop and looked at my flower garden, I will miss it when he goes to sleep for the winter months, I love to cut some flowers and bring them inside to enjoy, even if they are a couple of blooms from the top heavy hollyhocks or the ever expanding take over of the brown-eyed Susans. I do not wish to long for the next season but wish to enjoy this season and all is has to offer, even the icky days.
I feel now as I am getting older that I want things to slow down, the faster the seasons come and go well, the older and older we get!
What I do miss and long for are the August days of when I was growing up on a farm in upstate New York, the days of running lunches to my dad and brothers working in the hay fields, the days of climbing on the bails of hay, the days of sitting under the weeping willow tree and playing house with my dolls, the days of the smells from the kitchen while my mother was busy canning all the vegtables from the garden, the days of swinging on the tree swing. Back then I loved summer and August because I knew that soon September would be here and back to school. I did not like school one bit! When my children were young I loved August because they were still on summer vacation and that meant I still had the time to spend with them before they headed back to school and the rushing around every morning. We also took our summer vacation in mid August.
So, until autumn arrives on her own time I will cherish the summer days that lie ahead, I do not want to wish my life to go by any faster than it already seems to be, so for now enjoy all the beauty of this season and let time go slowly because it all too soon will be gone.
Hi Martha,our Summer here is much to hot this year and I am afraid I am wishing it away and looking forward to cooler days of Autumn.
Enjoy the rest of your Summer...
So true is your word though. Time is passing by so quickly. One can hardly realize it...
I would say that August is my less favorite month . . . but then there are fond memories of past Augusts. I always think of August as the last of summer -- Labor Day brings fall.
Hello Martha,
Hope you're keeping well.
Our summer is a very mixed bag so far.
Very, very hot June, floods in some parts in July, and August is all mixed up !
I'm hoping for a lovely September as I don't like it too hot.
Love and blessings
Hi Martha! /thanks so much for visiting my website. i appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment. i love that you show you house on your blog, and love knowing how much you enjoy decorating it. Decorating is one of my many passions, although since I opened my online antique shop, I don't have as much time as I used to.
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