The weatherman predicted snow for our area for today, well he was correct, only it is just starting now, 4:09 P.M. to be exact, we did have a few flurries yesterday, heavy at times and some this morning, then the snow stopped, now it is coming down. And this brings me to my post!
A couple of days ago I came across this great blog, Anne, of Bunny Tales, she is hosting a block of the month for quilting. You can see her button on my side bar. The design was so cute and I was looking for something fun and simple to do to get me back into my sewing/crafting mode! I printed out the pattern and could not wait to get started on this, I did not have the fabrics I wanted to make my block. I wanted wool! I am going to make my block into a little pillow, something sweet to tuck into a little place. I am not a quilter, I do not have the skills to make a quilt so I thought little pillows, something to change out every month.
We do not have any great fabric shops in the area where I live, our fabric shop closed a few years ago. . .but I had gone to great shop that sold quilting fabric and they sold wool fabric. After a quick on line search I found the website, called to make sure they were still around then headed out to buy some wool! Since the weather was supposed to be bad this morning I thought if I had my supplies then today I would just have to drive my son to the train station so he could head back up to school in Vermont.
So, off I went, it was not too far a drive to the shop, but it is not that near me either. The shop was very busy, so I wandered around waiting for my chance to ask for help, then came the big disappointment! They no longer carried wool, all they had were two zip-lock bags with wool scraps! I thought to myself I should have asked before driving out there. . .the bag had nice black squares and a rather large square of tan with little odds and ends, I bought the bag and came home wishing that I had found what I wanted. This shop is wonderful if you are a quilter, the line and the supply of fabric is to die for, such beautiful fabric and books/patterns/threads, you name it they carry it, but no wool.
I am going to use some of this and make do with what I have. . .it may have to be wool and cotton, but I will show you when I finish it. The block is for a snowman in a basket with two stars and a little leaf vine above, if you go here you will see some already finished! They are really sweet. So, what do you see? Right now you see a little pile of wool, I hope the next time I can show you a little pillow!
Tomorrow I have something rather amusing to post about. . .well, I found it amusing. . .about a house in Vermont! Until then wishing everyone a safe and wonderful weekend!
Hi Martha, I have to buy my wool online now. I have several reliable places if you are interested.
I have 3 different slow cookers and have blogged about them in the past - called Nesco's and use them all the time. I have soup in my 6 quart one now. This is the first time in a long time I did anything in the dutch oven. It was great because I could sear and cook in the same pan.
I hope your son has a safe trip back to Vermont!!
hugs, Linda
What a shame not to be able to get what you want. I know the feeling. At least I'm close to stores now. The link didn't work but I'll look for it.
Hi Martha,
Here are the 4 sources I have used - all with excellent customer service!! Have fun crafting!
Wow, thanks for a quick response Linda! I am going to check them out! You blog and the information you give is great, like a little publication for decorating and tidbits!
Your home is lovely! Can I move in!!
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