- Linda at Behind My Red Door was playing a game where you are given a letter and you have to name 10 things that you love that begin with this letter. Linda had the letter "R", which as she pointed out was great because her last name starts with R. Linda gave my the letter "D". Connie at Connecticut Log Cabin also played along and she had the letter "L". I know that there are others that also played this game and if you go to Linda's blog (Which I know you will enjoy as well as Connie's) you can see where she was given a letter.
So, here are my 10 items that begin with the letter "D" in random order.
♥ My DAUGHTER-#1 that came to my mind, we have our mother-daughter differences, but I love her dearly and I am very proud of her! She is my only girl and is and will always be my "baby-girl".

♥ Decorating-I love to take care of my home and enjoy decorating it for different seasons and holiday. I am so thankful that I have a home that we own and I take pride in keeping it looking nice inside and outside. Now, when it comes to moving stuff around as often as I do, my husband does not say anything, only to leave his den alone. . .that is his domain.
♥ Day Trips-we enjoy taking little day trips and my one regret is that I leave my camera at home, we have started taking more day trips and I try to remember to put the camera with my keys before we head out the door. We enjoy going to antique shops, eating at different little out of the way places, and you never know what you can come across while on these outings, like the time we found an antique shop with my last name. We also like to bring our travel Raggedy Ann doll that I made if the trip will be further, she is our travel Annie. . .when we had car trouble driving home last November I was so happy to have her to hold onto, somehow she gave us a sense of comfort, I guess as I am getting older maybe I am getting younger. . .she is like a security blanket!
♥ Dolls-I love to make my style Raggedy Ann dolls along with EFA Dolls and other cloth dolls and I love to collect special little dolls that tug at my heart strings. I have always loved dolls, after my daughter was born I was happy because right away I thought when she grew up we could collect and sew for dolls together, it never happened, she is not a doll lover, when she was very young the way she played with dolls was by cutting off their hair and making them swing out the window on strings. . .having 4 brothers could have been the reason why!
♥ Dairy Farms-I grew up on a dairy farm and I must admit I love visiting farms, I love the farm animals, but I do not LOVE the smells that comes from a farm! I love dairy cows and if I could go back in time for about 20 years I would love to own a mini farm.

♥ Daisies-I love daisies, one of my favorite flowers, I love all types of flowers, but wild flowers and flower gardens that look like they just happened are my favorites. The daisies in my flower garden did not do well last year, I hope this year they come back healthier.♥ Disney-Yes, I love Disney, but what I love about Disney is spending the time there with my grown children and my grandchildren. I have been to Disneyland once, thanks to my son and his wife, when they lived in Seattle I flew to CA and they met me there and we went to Disneyland with my grandson. My DIL, Katherine, is the one who got me hooked on Disney. We are trying to plan a trip for late fall, Disney and Universal. I love to be with my grandchildren there. I also like to collect the Disney antenna toppers and I love Mickey Mouse and Daisy Duck! One is never to old for Disney. The first time my mother went she was in her seventies, she went with my brother and his sons, they live near Orlando. When my mother came back from her visit she talked about Disney World for months. I also love all the details that are in the parks, the little touches on the buildings. I do not, however do rides and sometimes the crowds can get to be too much, but I still love Disney!

So, that is it. . .my Letter D. . .and I also love
♥ Dunkin Donuts Coffee and the cream filled Donuts!
If you wish to play along I will now give you a letter, if you do play, please let me know so I can come visit you.
AND THE LETTER IS: THE LETTER "A" Have fun! Wishing you A great day.
Oh Martha ~~ Your D List is just Delightful, as I knew it would be, you are so clever. You thought of things that I love dearly .... but not sure they would have ever come to mind.
Day Trips ~ Daisy's ~ & Dishes all favorites of mine. :-)
Good Job !!! I so EnJoyed this game.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
You D one good my friend! Daisies are my absolute favorite flowers. I carried them in our wedding and had them on the cake instead of roses!! Love the rest of the list as well.
PS your daughter is gorgeous!
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